D'Muara Live Seafood, Kuala Terengganu

D'Muara Live Seafood is situated at Losong Haji Su Road underneath Sultan Mahmud Bridge. It caters local Terengganu cuisines such as ikan tongkol singgang (mackerel soup with herbs and spices), kerabu (local salad) and also halal Chinese cuisines. The ambiance is refreshing with the river view, local fisherman's boats passing by and the restaurant itself is traditional Terengganu house. You can also view the Crystal Mosque nearby. The prices too are affordable. Operation hours from 12 noon to 12 midnight. For reservation contact +609-6229622.

Map To D'Muara Seafood Restaurant


  1. hihi... im quite interested 2 go to this restaurant bt still no idea how 2 get to the place frm UMT... may i hv a detail explainatin frm u?


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